Corfu - What's not to love?

It has been a popular holiday island for nearly four decades but what is Corfu really like? That was the thought which taxed my mind as I embarked on a first journey there in 2014. Would it be one of those places so beloved by the Spanish costas, a warm weathers version of a tired British seaside town or would it, like Crete, be a style all of its own.

The answer was affirmed to the latter although Corfu is quite different from Crete in many ways. It is tiny by comparison and this means that one only needs to travel a few kilometres between villages. However it lacks some of Crete's infrastructure so the roads are, by and large, inferior to those of its Aegean compatriot. It is though a beautiful holiday island with mainly pebble beaches to the east and sandier ones on the west.
Corfu town, the island's compact capital is s splendid place to explore containing as it does many of the island's leading museums and attractions including Europe's most southerly cricket ground in regular use.


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