Outer Hebrides - where the wind blows
Hebrides - Scotland's Western Isles This is the story of how a week's holiday was enjoyed in the mysterious world of Scotland's Outer Hebrides. We left Newcastle facing an eight hour drive to Skye. Took A1 via Edinburgh and after skirting the north of the city happened upon Leith. The area is undergoing massive redevelopment and we found a splendid sandwich shop, not cheap. We made our way to Dalmeny to catch to train to North Queensferry to take us over the Forth Bridge. A life time ambition fulfilled thanks to a visit there aged six and the film The 39 Steps. Then it as pedal to the metal for Skye, Just a slight problem though. The room wasn’t booked. We phoned ahead to warn the hotel we would be a few minutes late and they suddenly realised we were not booked in. We settled down to eat some fifteen miles from our destination. The call came through, we were booked in – next door. We may have been lucky or the good fortune smiled upon us but next do...